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Dustie Bot

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Dustie is a Discord bot hosted and managed by us. The bot is ran by RedBot and has many capabilities to make your Server run easier with less bots.

If you have any issues I recommend joining our discord server and notifying @Caleb642#8895 immediately . For any other issues I recommend going to our info center
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Dustie Features

  • Youtube/Spotify Music Playing with //play
  • Roles with //Selfrole
  • AFK and auto replies with //away and //dnd
  • CAH with //newcah
  • Cleanup messages with //cleanup
  • Dadjokes with //dadjoke
  • Economy with //bank
  • Do //help to be dmed a full list of commands

When using the music functions please note that //genre has a tendency not to work, a fine work around is to either //play [youtube link here] or a better case would be to make a queue or queue a youtube playlist, then do //playlist queue [playlistname] --scope [Global|Guild|User] --author @[user]

Quote of the day: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. ― Oscar Wilde

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